Acceleration of education revolution system of
“Learning with heart”
There’s a
Mother is a school, if you prepared her well, means you have prepared a qualified
Well, Talk about
the indonesian education system, just like staying at the devil circle. So,
questions of why?, should be the very first place of our topic.
Lets see how
things soo terrible,

Why almost every
year there’s a case of suicide student because they not pass the exam?, Why corruption?
Why crimes?, Why bla..bla.?
So should we
blame the teacher?? The answer could be Yes, its may be, or No!, its not!. Ya,
because probably teacher hasn’t good ability of teaching, or No, because the
education system of Indonesia forced the student to learn too many subject. 16
or even, 25 subjects, with a large material every subjects and also soo
abstract, irrelevant with the needs of students.
Actually, in
this case I’d rather love to blame the system, that force student to get stress,
which effect to their bad attitude, play truant, bored to school, anarcism,
cheating so on and so far. So, are our
children knows about this bitter evidences?. Then, are National Exam could be
the solution to see the ability of student, I guess not!. However, UN is not fair. Even the ability of student
cannot be standardized.
I belive in god
that made us, that no one stupid!. Just they are late to learning or understand.
Or we, late to know what their major
competention. From underage they controled, if we cant call it “forced”?.
Extreemly, the
edu’s concept that many people believe in, is the concept to make a slave in
work-world. So in my opinion, educate is the effort to prepare our student to face the real life,
life where they cant stand up with the hands up, with their own feet, and says
“im free”!, Where they can solve their
own problem wisely.
Education should
begin by research and end by research too, so Regarding from the research of
Harvard University of USA,“Development of a nation more determined by the
character of citizen, and the character of society construct by the quality and
relevant education”. Its not about how good our hard skill, but soft skill, 80%
Finland, proven as the best education system in the
whole world ever. Why Finland?,
an Agriculture Nation, that before this, who know
Parents taking a
prinsiple part in education of child. The reason is, underage edu. Is the stage
of first and critical learning in whole age. 90% brain growth happened in this
stage, and 85% brain paths develop before child get in the elementary school (7
years old).
Reading ability actively
supported, Finland produce more child’s book then other country in the world.
Teacher given the freedom to conduct the curriculum, free to choose metode of
learning and text books. The teachers teach with fun, no forcement and most important, they teach with heart!. Or
same other cases in USA.
So back to our nation cases, how are you doing Indonesia?, Compared to
Finland?, USA?
Huge cost of edu., less relefancy with the ability of nation,
miscommitment of government, we crazying about glamour and nickname, less
planing, so on and so far, so ironic. Oh my goodness, This Super-reach country
in natural resources should pay for this?.
Well, if, the school is the only way to educate and guide someone,
so system should be chance!. Then the only question just, Are indonesia able
for this?
At the end, time for me to ask you? What’s your purpose of
schooling? Why you have to school?.
So back to the elaboration on the role of character education, role
of parents and government, and also the role of culture.
Believe in, nickname cann’t guarantee of succed. Many scholar that
jobless, he/she doesn’t realize what they want?, because so far, they are the
victims of robotic indonesian education