Wednesday, January 20, 2010

propoSAL obama

dari berbagai sumb er:

Penasehat Obama, Ingin Mengirim Tentara AS Lebih Banyak

Rabu, 11/11/2009 16:05 WIB Cetak | Kirim

Penasehat utama Presiden AS, Barack Obama, ingin merekomendasikan agar mengirim tentara lebih banyak ke Afghanistan. Menteri Pertahanan Robert Gate, Kepala Staf Gabungan Pasukan AS, Laksamana Mike Mulen, dan Menlu Hallary Clinton, membuat proposal, yang akan mengajukan usulan agar Obama mengirim pasukan tambahan sebanyak 30.000 ke Afghanistan.

Namun, Presiden Obama belum mengambil keputusan, berapa jumlah pasukan yang akan dikirim ke Afghanistan. Karena, sampai hari ini Presiden Obama masih menungguh situasi di Afghanistan dan Pakistan, apakah cukup kondisif untuk mendukung penambahan pasukan di wilayah Afghanistan.

Di tengag-tengah rencana AS mengirimkan pasukan tambahan, situasi di Afghanistan dan Pakistan, semakin tidak menentu, karena meningkatnya serangan yang dilakukana kelompok Taliban. Dalam beberapa pekan ini, sejumlah propinsi telah jatuh kembali tangan Taliban. Bahkan, para pekerja PBB, telah meninggalkan wilayah-wilayah Afghanistan, karena sudah tidak aman lagi.

Obama sendiri ragu-ragu mengambil keputusan untuk mengirimkan pasukannya ke Afghanistan. Juru bicara Gedung Putih, Robert Gibbs, berbicara kepada wartawan, di Washington, pilihan mengirim pasukan ke Afghanistan masih belum dapat diputuskan, dan beberapa pilihan masih dipertimbangkan, termasuk melakukan latihan tentara dan polisi Afghanistan.

Tapi, pilihan-pilihan yang paling mungkin sesuai permintaan dari Jendral Mc.Chrystal, yang mengharapkan pasukan tambahan sebanyak 40.000 orang personil. Tapi, sebagian pejabat militer menginginkan hanya tambahan personil militer, sekitar 20.000 sampai 30.000 pasukan. Ro0bert Gate, yang pernah menjadi Menhan di zaman pemerintahan Presiden George Bush, tetap akan menghormati pilihan yang akan diambil Presiden Obama. Penasehat utama lainnya, seperti Wapres Joe Biden, dan Kepala Staf Gedung Putih, Ramh Emanuel ske;ptis atas langkah penambahan pasukan militer ke Afghanistan.

Presiden Obama, juga meragukan terhadap Karzai yang menjadi partner strategisnya dalam memerangi Taliban, karena lemahnya dukungan. Demikian juga, situasi di Pakistan, yang akan menjadi jembatan AS ke Afghanistan menghadapi situasi tidak stabil dan menghadapi ancaman yang serius. Pengiriman pasukan tambahan, sebuah perjudian yang dilakukan AS, dan mempunyai implikasi yang serius bagi masa depan negeri Paman Sam itu.

Asisten Menlu: AS Gagal Selesaikan Konflik Israel-Palestina
Rabu, 11/11/2009 15:44 WIB Cetak | Kirim

Ini pengakuan yang jujur dari seorang pejabat AS. Asisten Menteri Luar Negeri AS, William Burns mengakui bahwa AS gagal untuk menciptakan perdamaian di Timur Tengah. Burns mengungkapkan hal itu setelah Presiden AS Barack Obama bertemu dengan PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu di Gedung Putih.

"Saya berharap bisa berdiri di hadapan Anda semua hari ini dan memberikan keterangan tentang kemajuan-kemajuan penting atas upaya yang kami lakukan, tapi nyatanya saya tidak bisa," ujar Burns.

Menurutnya, berbagai dialog yang diupayakan AS untuk perdamaian Timur Tengah tidak membawa hasil. Tapi ia menegaskan bahwa Presiden AS Barack Obama tetap komitmen terhadap solusi dua negara terkait konflik Israel-Palestina dan AS tetap bersikap bahwa Israel harus membekukan seluruh aktivitas pembangunan pemukiman ilegalnya di wilayah Palestina.

"Kami tidak bisa melegitimasi tindakan Israel yang tetap meneruskan pembangunan pemukimannya. Israel jelas-jelas telah melalaikan kewajibannya seperti yang tercantum dalam kesepakan Peta Jalan Damai, bahwa Israel harus membekukan aktivitas pembangunan pemukiman," tukas Burns.

Pernyataan Burns mengisyaratkan bahwa memang telah terjadi perbedaan pandangan antara Obama dan Netanyahu dalam masalah pemukiman Israel. Soal perbedaan pandangan ini berhembus setelah kedua pemimpin itu bertemu di Gedung Putih sehari sebelumnya.

Laporan-laporan menyebutkan bahwa Netanyahu menolak mematuhi desakan Obama yang meminta Israel menghentikan pembangunan pemukimannya di Tepi Barat. Sementara bagi rakyat Palestina, penghentian pembangunan pemukiman Yahudi oleh Israel adalah harga mati untuk melanjutkan negosiasi damai antara Israel-Palestina.

Sikap Netanyahu membawa dampak terhadap otoritas Palestina. Presiden Otoritas Palestina Mahmoud Abbas menyatakan akan mundur dari jabatannya jika AS gagal menekan Israel untuk memenuhi tuntutan rakyat Palestina.

Saat diambil sumpahnya menjadi presiden AS bulan Januari lalu, Obama menyatakan bahwa menyelesaikan konflik Israel-Palestina akan menjadi prioritas utamanya. Tapi pemerintahakan Obama tidak menunjukkan upaya yang besar dan serius untuk membuktikan ucapannya. 
Obama: Butuh Strategi Tepat untuk Tambah Pasukan di Afganistan
Laurencius Simanjuntak - detikNews

Washington - Presiden AS Barack Obama masih berpikir soal strategi yang tepat bagi kekuatan militer AS di Afganistan. Hal ini penting sebagai pertimbangan apakah penambahan pasukan di Afganistan masih diperlukan atau tidak.

Sebelumnya, Komandan Tertinggi pasukan AS di Afganistan Jenderal Stanley McChrystal meminta penambahan pasukan dalam jangka waktu beberapa minggu mendatang untuk membendung kekuatan Taliban yang kembali bangkit.

Dalam wawancara dengan sejumlah media, Obama ditanya soal kapan ia akan memutuskan soal penambahan pasukan tersebut.

Ia mengatakan belum menerima permintaan untuk penambahan pasukan dan ia masih bekerja dalam strategi yang tepat untuk memastikan bahwa Al Qaeda tidak sedang dalam posisi menyerang AS.

"Saya hanya mau menyakinkan setiap orang mengerti bahwa kamu tidak akan membuat keputusan soal SDM, sebelum kamu mempunyai strategi yang siap," kata Obama kepada ABC, seperti dilansir Reuters, Minggu (20/9/2009).

Kepada NBC, Obama mengatakan penting bagi dirinya untuk melatih keraguan ketika mengirimkan seorang berseragam ke jalan yang berbahaya.

"Karena saya orang yang harus bisa menjawab ketika orang tua mereka mendapati anak-anaknya tidak pulang. Jadi saya harus menghadapi pertanyaan yang berat setiap saya mengirimkan pasukan," ujarnya.

Soal penarikan pasukan dari Afganistan, Obama pun mengaku tidak mempunyai batas waktu.

Sikap Obama juga mendapatkan kritikan dari Kongres. Senator John McCain, yang pernah bersaing dengan Obama saat Pilpres, mendesak pemerintah untuk menyetujui penyebaran dan penambahan pasukan secepatnya. Menurut McCain, menunda berati membirakan hidup pasukan di Afganistan dalam risiko. (lrn/lrn)

Tetap update informasi di manapun dengan dari browser ponsel anda! 
Sejumlah Dubes PBB Terima Surat Misterius
Rabu, 11/11/2009 13:38 WIB Cetak | Kirim

Utusan negara Austria, Prancis, Jerman dan Uzbekistan di PBB mendapat kiriman surat berisi bubuk putih yang belum terindentifikasi apakah bubuk putih itu zat berbahaya atau tidak.

Departemen Kepolisian kota New York menyatakan, mereka masih menyelidik asal surat itu dan meneliti serbuk putih misterius itu. Surat-surat tersebut sampai ke kantor masing-masing utusan pada hari Senin, (9/11), kecuali kantor dubes Inggris untuk PBB, yang menerima surat serupa pada hari Selasa.

Pihak kedutaan menyatakan sudah dilakukan tindakan pencegahan untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan serbuk putih dalam surat-surat tersebut adalah zat berbahaya.

Dubes Austria untuk PBB, Thoma Mayr-Harting menolak memberikan keterangan tentang apa isi surat yang diterimanya. Ia hanya mengatakan bahwa dari pemeriksaan awal, serbuk putih yang menyertai surat itu tidak berbahaya. Sedangkan Dubes Prancis untuk PBB, Gerard Araud mengungkapkan, dilihat dari cap posnya surat-surat tersebut berasal dari Dallas.

Pemerintah AS sudah mewaspadai adanya surat-surat yang disisipi dengan serbuk putih sejak tahun 2001. Ketika itu, sejumlah kantor media massa di AS dan anggota legislatif AS menerima surat yang mengandung virus anthrax. Kasus ini menewaskan lima orang dan menyebabkan 17 orang lainnya menderita sakit akibat virus tersebut. (ln/prtv)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

President Obama to add more troops to Afghanistan

President Obama to add more troops to Afghanistan war effort
By Jim Boren on November 30, 2009 9:01 AM | 70 Comments

Word leaking out of Washington, D.C., has President Barack Obama increasing the troop levels in Afghanistan. Obama will explain his war strategy to Americans on Tuesday during a national broadcast from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Obama began telling military, Congressional and foreign leaders of his decision on Sunday.

Here's more from the Associated Press:
He began the rollout on Sunday, the White House said, talking first with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton by phone and then informing other key administration advisers such as Defense Secretary Robert Gates in an evening Oval Office meeting.

It was at that time, said spokesman Robert Gibbs, that Obama's order for the military to go ahead with the new deployments became official. The goal of the president's revamped approach is to train Afghan security forces to eventually take over from the U.S., and Obama will say Tuesday that he doesn't plan an open-ended U.S. commitment, the spokesman said..

According to the McClatchy Washington Bureau, Obama's Afghanistant proposal will add about 34,000 U.S. troops. There are 68,000 troops in Afghanistan now.

Obama juga menambahkan bahwa Amerika terpaksa untuk menyelesaikan perang ini. Pidato Obama ternyata tidak lebih retorika belaka yang akan membawa korban di pihak Amerika lebih banyak dan tentu saja korban di pihak sipil Afghanistan.

Obama dan para pembantunya ingin memuat promosi yang hebat untuk pembenaran keputusannya menambah pasukan di Afghanistan. Dengan humas yang bagus Obama ingin rakyat Amerika mendukung setiap ketidakbijakan pemerintahannya di Afghanistan. Pemerintah Amerika menggunakan cara apapun untuk membenarkan tindakan bahkan dengan berbohong terhadap warga negaranya sendiri.

Tidak puas dengan dalih Al Qaeda, Amerika juga menggunakan peristiwa penembakan di Fort Hood sebagai aksi serangan teroris. Pelaku penembakan tersebut adalah Mayor Nidal Hasaan yang bekerja sebagai ahli jiwa (psikiater) di Angkatan bersenjata Amerika. Penembakan yang menewaskan 14 orang itu seperti menjadi bahan bakar bagi perang terhadap terorisme.

Ada tuduhan bahwa teroris telah melakukan infiltrasi terhadap angkatan bersenjata Amerika Serikat dengan memasukkan Mayor Nidal. Tuduhan tersebut terkesan mengada-ada karena bukti yang digunakan adalah e-mail. Nidal Hassan dituduh melakukan kontak dengan Syeikh Anwar Al Awlaki yang kini bermukim di Yaman melalui e-mail.

Sebelumnya Anwar Al Awlaki pernah tinggal di Amerika Serikat dan beliau pernah diinterogasi oleh biro penyelidik federal (FBI) namun kemudian dilepaskan karena tidak ada bukti yang memberatkannya.Kalau hanya e-mail saja, anak kecilpun pasti bisa membuatnya dan merekayasanya.

Kedua eksekusi atas John Allen Muhammad, seorang veteran perang Iraq yang telah menembak dan membunuh 10 orang warga Amerika Serikat dengan senjata sniper. Yang anehnya John Allen dinyatakan mati pada pukul 9:11.Patut dicurigai jam kematian John Allen pada pukul 911 sebagai rekayasa agar publik Amerika mengingat kembali apa yang terjadi pada 911. Kedua kasus tersebut sempat membuat warga Muslim AS was-was dengan ancaman terhadap mereka.

Mengapa dua kasus tersebut terjadi menjelang pengumuman pemberangkatan pasukan Amerika Serikat. Padahal kasus seperti itu bisa saja terjadi kapan saja. Bagaimana kalau pelaku penembakan tersebut bukan orang Islam? Tentu peristiwa seperti itu biasa saja dan tidak ada usaha pengkait-kaitan terhadap terorisme.

Propaganda Amerika Serikat seperti diatas tidak berbeda dengan propaganda Nazi Jerman. Sebelum menyerang Polandia, Jerman menuduh bahwa Pasukan Polandia telah menyerang Jerman. Padahal pelaku serangan tersebut adalah orang gila yang didandani dengan seragam Polandia oleh Nazi Jerman.

rubah2 setting blogger dan ternyata bisa...KEMANA HARUS BERMUARA??

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Bagaimana sobat, sudah jelaskan. bila belum jelas silahkan di tanyakan kembali pada komentar.

Sedikit clue, kata Read more! sebenarnya bisa kita ganti sesuai dengan keinginan kita, misalkan kita rubah menjadi Baca selengkapnya..., Selengkapnya.., Lanjutannya... atau apa saja yang penting kata tersebut bisa memberi tahu kepada para pengunjung bahwa artikel kita ada kelanjutannya.

Kode di atas sebenarnya ada alternatif lain, yakni memakai kode Span, jika berminat, ganti semua kode div menjadi Span. Hasilnya akan sama, cuma bagi para sobat yang suka posting pada menu compose, kode ini sering ada masalah di karenakan bertabrakan dengan perintah lain yang memakai kode Span.

Selamat mencoba

Wednesday, January 13, 2010



Ave Suakanila Fauzisar (6261)
Ibnu Hadi Purwanto ( )

Jl. Letjend S. Parman No.68 Telp. (0274) 373122 Yogyakarta 55252

Pengaruh Streching Secara Sadar Dan Reflek Setelah Bangun Tidur Terhadap Kesehatan Otot Dan Sendi-Sendi Gerak.

Latar Belakang Masalah
Permasalahaan kesehatan yang dihadapi masyarakat dunia dewasa ini semakin pelik. Terbukti dengan adanya setiap riset atau pencarian solusi terhadap masalah-masalah kesehatan sekecil apapun.
Termasuk masalah-masalah kesehatan konvensional yang perkembangannya begitu membanggakan, dimana itu semua menjadi indikator bahwasanya perkembangan serta antusiasme perkembangan pengetahuan keilmuan sangat diperhatikan termasuk disini peneliti mencoba mengangkat masalah sederhana ini yang ternyata memiliki manfaat yang sangat luar biasa dalam pemaksimalan aktifitas yang secara jelas akan dipengaruhi oleh kesehatan tubuh dan kebugarannya yang juga berkolaborasi dengan produkttifitas kerja dalam mencapai kesuksesan di setiap aktifitas.
Peregangan tubuh sepertinya merupakan hal yang sangat sederhana. Ketika kita merasa letih atau baru bangun tidur, secara alami kita akan menggeliat. Ternyata peregangan yang dilakukan kucing setelah bangun tidur dengan meluruskan kakinya secara sederhana ini memiliki manfaat yang luar biasa.
Hampir semua kegiatan fisik kita dikendalikan oleh otot, saraf dan tulang. Untuk dapat bekerja dengan baik, ketiganya perlu dalam keadaan relaks dan fleksibel. Otot berhubungan dengan tulang melalui jaringan yang disebut tendon. Ketika berkontraksi otot memendek dan menggerakkan tulang-tulang. Bila otot tidak dalam keadaan relaks, proses kontraksi dan relaksasi ini akan menjadi lebih sulit dan memakan banyak energi, akibatnya orang akan merasa malas bergerak. Dengan latihan beban, kita dapat memperbesar dan memperkuat otot. Namun seringkali bila latihan ini tidak diikuti dengan latihan fleksibiltas, orang dapat terlihat kaku dan lamban.
Sistem saraf mengontrol tubuh manusia, baik secara sadar maupun tidak sadar.Dalam keadaan tegang, tentu saja kerja saraf menjadi kurang baik sehingga fungsinya berkurang. Akibatnya, tidak hanya secara fisik kita menjadi kurang fit, namun organ dalam yang dikendalikan oleh saraf pun menjadi bekerja kurang sempurna.
Tulang tidak hanya untuk menopang tubuh manusia untuk berdiri, namun juga harus membuat bagian-bagian tubuh bergerak melalui persendiannya. Persendian seharusnya senantiasa berada dalam keadaan fleksibel karena jika tidak, tubuh kita akan menjadi sulit bergerak seperti engsel pintu yang berkarat.
Dengan melakukan peregangan yang secara reflek kita lakukan beberapa detik sambil membuka mulut dan bersuara “oouuahh” ini dapat meningkatkan dan memperlancar aliran darah.
Jika posisi anda saat tidur adalah meringkuk ataupun dalam posisi aneh, maka akan sangat baik jika begitu anda bangun pagi anda langsung melakukan peregangan otot agar otot tidak tegang dan kaku.
Dengan melakukan peregangan secara teratur setiap pagi, maka akan mengurangi ketegangan mental serta fisik, kecemasan, tekanan darah akan stabil, dan tubuh pun menjadi segar dengan lancarnya aliran darah.
Oleh karena itu, peneliti bermaksud untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya man faat yang ditimbulkannya., yang biasa kita lakukan secara sadar atau reflek dalam kegiatan menggeliat, Streching atau dalam bahasa jawa disebut ngolet setelah bangun tidur terhadap kesehatan otot dan persendian dengan objek tubuh manusia.
Perumusan Masalah
Dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba merumuskan persoalan dalam bentuk
1. Bagaimanakah pengaruh peregangan secara reflek atau sadar
terhadap kelancaran pergerakan otot dan persendian ?
2. Berapa perbandingan hasil penerapan streching ini dalam pemanfaatannya di dunia kesehatan maupun olahraga dengan tidak melakukannya terhadap tubuh manusia ?
3. Apakah ada perbedaan manfaat streching secara reflek dan sadar yang di pengaruhi durasi waktu melaksanakannya?

Tujuan Penelitian
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk:

1. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh secara reflek atau sadar
terhadap kelancaran pergerakan otot dan persendian tubuh manusia

2. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh perbandingan hasil penerapan streching ini dalam pemanfaatannya di dunia kesehatan maupun olahraga dengan tidak melakukannya terhadap tubuh manusia

3. Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan manfaat streching secara reflek dan sadar yang di pengaruhi durasi waktu melaksanakannya.

MOtivasi hari INI!~

Sebagian besar orang takut pd perubahan yang tdk pasti karena mreka tkut tdk bisa mengendalikannya...!~ketika angin perubhan berhembus, beberapa org membangun tembok, dan yg laen membangun KINCIR ANGIN!~perubahan tak ubahnya dgn angin: ia bkan suatu yg baik atauburuk, bkan teman &pula musuh; angin hanyalah angin dan akan selalu menjadi angin. sangat naif jika berharap angin tidak akan lg berhembus. sebaliknya, kta hrus belajar u/ memanfaatkn angin dg memasang layar yg lbih baik/..
so Be Owner Of YOURSELF!~

puisi januari ini.

Lanskap-Lanskap Tua

Subuh diderai fajar
ketika kutanam tiga butir zikir
pada segenggam kubangan pagi

Pada kondisi umum
senada Adinda menyiangi ladangnya
Jelas sabit kita mengetam senyum
walau sedikit
tapi kondisi tidak selalu umum Bung
Justru dari sedikit itu
manusia tidak pernah belajar dari lanskap-lanskap tua yang
membujur digiring selusin kabut yang
beranjak dari pelupuk mata

Aka Ax-Xilem

Jogja, 10 Januari 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Ulasan Album MUSE – The Resistance (2009)…
September 9, 2009 in /musik/Muse
Tags: Exogenesis, Muse, Review, The Resistance, Ulasan, United States of Eurasia, Uprising
Sebagai salah satu orang Indonesia yang mendapat kesempatan mendengar seluruh album kelima Muse; The Resistance, sebelum rilis. Penulis merasa bertanggung jawab untuk menyebarkan ulasan komplit tentang lagu-lagu di dalamnya. Jika tanggal anda membaca ini sudah lewat 13 September 2009, silahkan cari album ini di toko musik terdekat. Silahkan nikmati ulasan-ulasan berikut yang tentu saja dalam prespektif pribadi penulis. 
Perubahan besar terjadi; tidak ada produser, tidak ada studio milik orang! Yap, kali ini Muse datang dengan hasrat Do-It-Yourself yang lebih tinggi. Apakah hal ini cukup aneh mengingat Warner Music, yang sekarang menaungi Muse, amatlah jauh dengan aura-aura indie? Tapi hey! Ini Muse! Puluhan juta penggemar-sampai-liang-lahat di seluruh dunia membuktikan ketahanannya menghadapi gempuran distribusi musik bajakan. Hampir seluruh penggemar tetap membeli album meski sudah meyimpan versi digital di harddisk mereka. Mereka pastikan datang dari penjuru daerah demi menyaksikan aksi gila Matthew Bellamy di konser negara mereka. Inilah bukti bahwa band, di era kebebasan distribusi musik saat ini, harus berbasis fans dan warna musik unik, bukan tren musik, empat-lima lagu hit, atau tampang.
Dibalik Pembuatan & Pra-rilis
Direkam di pinggir danau Como di italia -tempat Matt menetap, dimulai akhir 2008. Muse memborong semua teknologi musik mereka ke studio. Eksperimen-eksperimen aneh mengingatkan kita pada album kedua, Origin of Symettry (2001). Bayangkan kuku illama sebagai pengganti stik drum! Semua hal ini makin memantapkan posisi Muse sebagai sekelompok orang yang terus memaksa batas kreatifitas sampai akhir karir musik. Secara keseluruhan, Muse menyajikan lagu bernuansa R&B, lagu bernuansa Progresive Rock,  dan ditutup dengan ‘masterpiece‘ Matt Bellamy, Exogenesis (selama masa pengerjaannya disebut ‘Symphonic Monster’). Matt pernah berkata bahwa lagu ini yang dia ingin kan sebagai peninggalan utamanya di masa depan. Bayangkan di tahun 3156 ada sebuah pegelaran musik bertajuk “Exogenesis, composed by Matthew Bellamy (2009)”
Hal yang menarik adalah proses perilisan single unduh pertama mereka, United States of Eurasia, 6 bagian pecahan lagu dienkripsi dengan 6 kode berbeda, ditaruh di lima USB flash disk dan di sebar ke seluruh belahan benua Eurasia untuk dipecahkan para ‘pengikut’ mereka.
#1 Uprising
Single pertama yang dilempar ke pasaran. Tidak lebih pop dari pada Starlight. Tentu karena intronya yang sangat ‘musey’. Tidak terlalu bagus di chart internasional. Hal ini sangat biasa bagi muse, untuk merilis lagu-lagu pop aneh mereka sebagai rilisan pertama album, ingat Supermassive Black Hole? Dari segi lirik, lagu ini adalah salah satu penegak orientasi politik Muse yang anti konspirasi para penguasa dunia. Reff yang sangat ’sing-along’ berisi positifisme revolusi,
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
Perlu dicatat; ini adalah kali pertamanya Muse menyajikan lagu dengan iringan teriakan Oi! Oi! skinhead, yang tentunya akan menggema disetiap konser mereka nanti.
#2 Resistance
Dimulai alunan synthesizer bernada khas muse, lalu disambut nada dansa standar berbalut ketukan drum tribal, lagu ini sebenarnya telah menunjukan identitasnya. Sebuah pendekatan baru muse terhadap musik ‘new wave‘ (berterima kasihlah pada synthesizer), dengan reff klasik Muse.
Lirik berkisah seputar romansa Winston dan Julia yang tumbuh dan terjebak dalam turbulansi dunia geo-politik unik di novel George Orwell, 1984.
Is your secret safe tonight?
And are we out of sight?
#3 Undisclosed Desires
Inilah sebenarnya pop hit Muse di album ini. Sangat 80-an, mulai dari drum elektriknya, appergionya, dan tentu saja synthesizer! Lagu yang didekasikan untuk pacar Matthew Bellamy ini akan sangat mudah menempel pada kuping anda, terutama bagian latar vokalnya di reff terakhir.
You trick your lovers
That you're wicked and divine
#4 United States of Eurasia
Lagu dengan ide kontroversial ini, juga disebarkan dengan kontroversial. Setidaknya bagi fans Muse di seluruh belahan dunia yang memaksa diri mereka memecahkan kode rahasia untuk mengetahui kordinat peletakan USB FD dari Muse! Mendengungkan tentang penyatuan seluruh negara di Eurasia dalam satu serikat, lagu ini sangat terpengaruh dari novel 1984 karangan George Orwell. Setting yang diambil ke lagu ini adalah kondisi jiwa tokoh utama novel tersebut, yang disiksa dan dicuciotak oleh rezim penguasa.
Musiknya juga sangat representatif, dimulai dengan alunan piano yang sangat eropa, lalu melompat ke sayatan nada arab dengan teriakan ala Freddie Mercury, Queen.
You and me are the same
We don't know or care who's to blame
But we know that whoever holds the reins
Nothing will change, our cause has gone insane

And these wars, they can't be won
And these wars, they can't be won
And do you want them, to go on and on and on?
Why split these states?
When there can be only one!
#5 Guiding Light
Lagu Muse paling tidak enak di album ini. Nada pop yang sangat biasa ditambah bumbu-bumbu tarikan suara Matthew Bellamy. Hal yang sangat unik adalah musiknya yang sangat pop 80-an. Boleh percaya atau tidak, anda bisa mendengar suara gedoran pintu tetangga yang marah karena berisiknya proses rekaman bila berhasil memisahkan suara drum.
You're my guiding light
You're my guiding light

And there's no guiding light left inside
There's no guiding light in our lives
#6 Unnatural Selection
Mengingatkan pada Newborn! Intro yang menyeramkan, riffgitar yang berat berjalan lambat, bridge dan reff yang ’sing-along’, tidak bisa disangkal kemiripan musiknya, kecuali satu hal; nada, sang DNA lagu. Muse bukan band yang mudah mengulang-ulang nada pada lagu-lagu mereka. Lagu bercerita tentang isu bahwa sebagian gen keturunan raja/ratu Inggris berasal dari reptil. Hal ini adalah teori David Icke, seorang konspirasi teoris, untuk menggambarkan betapa dunia ini telah dikuasai dengan zalim oleh klan tertentu.
No (hey)
chance (hey)
for fate (hey)
It's unnatural selection
I want the truth!
#7 MK Ultra
Ada yang tahu apa itu MK Ultra? Oke, itu adalah obat rahasia yang digunakan CIA untuk mendapatkan segala yang mereka mau di sesi intrograsi, parahnya lagi, diklaim bisa menghapuskan memori dan menimbulkan hipnosis paksa. Cocok sekali untuk mereka yang ingin mengikuti jejak Noordin M Top (jika dia benar ada). Gambar dokumen cetak MK Ultra bisa dilihat di album keempat Muse, Black Holes & Revelations.
A universe is trapped inside a tear,
It resonates the core,
Creates unnatural laws,
Replaces love and happiness with fear
Kembali ke lagu, menurut penulis. Guitar-Riff-Lovers dalam taksonomi jenis pizza, ini adalah lagu muse yang paling dekat dengan kontemporer rock macam U2, bahkan pada reff-nya. Salah satu hal yang masih ‘musey’ adalah string apergio dan vokal latar di bagian setelah reff. Apakah ini tanda Muse telah kehabisan kreatifitasnya atau strategi untuk menambah fans? Belum ada yang tahu.
#8  I Belong to You (+Mon CÅ“ur S’ouvre à ta Voix)
Lagu bersuasana R&B terakhir dari album ini. Amat ‘groovy’ di awal, sangat serupa dengan musik-musik Mika. Salah satu kandidat terbaik single penarik penggemar baru Muse dari The Resistance. Sekali lagi reff ‘musey’ Muse dibalut dengan ritme piano yang menyenangkan, verse yang pop, bridge dengan nada yang ajaib! (dan bermanfaat). Sejarah pertama juga diukir disini karena ini lagu pertama Muse dimana ada bagian Matt bernyanyi dengan bahasa non-Inggris. Matt bernyanyi bahasa prancis di sisipkan lagu opera Mon CÅ“ur S’ouvre à ta Voix, yang ajaibnya bisa disisipan di lagu R&B ini karena bridge ajaib yang penulis bilang tadi. Benar-benar musikalitas jenius dari seorang jenius! Bila lagu ini jadi single dan tersebar ke kuping para musisi, mereka akan menaruh Muse pada posisi hormat yang sangat tinggi. Ajaib!
bridge : “bagian perpindahan”
I can't find the words to say
They're overdue
I'd travel half the world to say
"I belong to you"
I travel half the world to say
"You are my muse"
#9 Exogenesis (part 1) : Overture
Karya terbesar Matthew Bellamy, klaimnya. Dibuat tanpa arransemen string dari musisi lain, lagu simfoni klasik ini didengungdengungkan dengan sangat menjanjikan. Dibuka dengan sayatan string khas scoring film. Secara penuh anda dibawa kedalam sebuah  adegan film yang ironis melankolis. Selesai membangun suasana, suara falseto Matthew Bellamy masuk, nyaris seperti Microcuts yang sepenuhnya falseto. Lalu disusul gitar yang menyayat dengan (seperti biasanya muse) sedikit sentuhan arab, diakhiri dengan semua suara ditambah latar vokal dari Chris Wolstenholme, makin membuat anda ingin teriak dan menangis. Sebuah ‘Overture’ (indonesia: musik penghantar) yang sempurna, mampu mengalahkan paraunya lagu-lagu radiohead!
Aping my soul,
You stole my overture,
Trapped in God’s program,
Oh I can’t escape
Who are we?
Where are we?
When are we?
Why are we in here?

#10 Exogenesis (part 2) : Cross-Polination
Lagu dimulai dengan piano ala Rachmaninov (pianis klasik favorit Matt), lalu melambat pada sebuah balada yang ‘Muse melodius’. Dan tiba-tiba, hentakan drum Dominic memimpin sinkop (hentakan semua alat musik dalam satu beat) menuju musik yang seperti ledakan bintang. Lalu kembali ditutup oleh sebuah komposisi yang amat klasik.
Spread our codes to the stars,
You must rescue us all,
Intisari dari lagu ini makin terlihat. Exogenesis (Panspermia) adalah sebuah teori bahwa kehidupan menyebar keseluruh penjuru alam semesta laksana pohon kelapa yang menghanyutkan buahnya. Kita adalah hasilnya, dan pada akhirnya kita mau tidak mau juga harus melakukannya (baca: pindah dari bumi) karena bumi yang sudah terlanjur rusak.
Rest with you,
We are counting on you,
It’s up to you
‘You’ disini mungkin adalah kita atau generasi sesudah kita.
#11 Exogenesis (part 3) : Redemption
Tidak ada yang bisa menggambarkan bagian ini selain suasana sehabis badai dan lautan harapan. Alunan appergio lambat mengiring, disambut nyanyian Matt dengan nada ‘musey’ yang tidak biasa; penuh rasa positif, pengharapan, pengampunan, dan rasa haru yang indah.
Menguatkan suasana eksodus umat manusia yang dramatis.
Let’s start over again,
Just let us start it over again,
Why can’t we start it over again,
And we’ll be good,
This time we’ll get it right,
Last chance to forgive ourselves
Entah akan terjadi atau tidak. Tapi saya yakin ini adalah salah satu lagu utama yang akan diputar jika eksodus umat manusia ke planet lain benar terjadi.

jonas brother

"When You Look Me In The Eyes"

If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone,
I'll never make it on my own
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head up high,
And it's all because you're by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms,
I know that it's forever.
I just gotta let you know,
I never wanna let you go.

When you look me in the eyes.

And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

Zakia Nurmala (Ost Sang Pemimpi)
Bila aku berdiri tegak didepan cermin kamarku
kulihat seraut wajah yang tegar dan kuat hati
aku bisa mendapatkan dirimu yang kuimpikan
aku akan membuktikan bahwa aku memang bisa

Reff :
Nana na na nana
Zakia Nurmala kau akan ku dapatkan
Nana na na nana
Zakia Nurmala kau akan jadi kekasihku

Aku akan melakukan apapun untuk dirimu
aku takkan membiarkan siapapun menghalangiku
semua mimpiku tentangmu, sulit untuk kulupakan
aku sungguh cinta kamu wahai Zakia Nurmala

Back to : Reff

Aku akan melakukan apapun untuk dirimu
aku sungguh cinta kamu wahai Zakia Nurmala

Lirik Lagu Naif - Pemimpi (Ost Sang Pemimpi)

Mimpi teruslah bermimpi
Jangan pernah berhenti bermimpi
Mimpi bisa jadi nyata
Bila engkau berusaha
Untuk mewujudkannya

Mimpi teruslah bermimpi
Siapapun boleh saja bermimpi
Asal jangan engkau lupa
Dan selalu berusaha
Untuk mewujudkannya

Tak ada mimpi yang terlalu tinggi
Semua sangat mungkin 'tuk diraih
Panggillah aku seorang pemimpi
Panggillah aku ini sang pemimpi
*courtesy of

Mimpi bisa jadi nyata
Bila engkau berusaha
Untuk mewujudkannya

Tak ada mimpi yang terlalu tinggi
Semua sangat mungkin 'tuk diraih
Panggillah aku seorang pemimpi
Panggillah aku ini..
Panggillah aku ini..
Panggillah aku ini..
Panggillah aku ini sang pemimpi

Lirik Lagu Nineball - Tetaplah Berdiri

Sang pemimpi, trus berlari
mencari arti yang dinanti
rana indah jauh disana
seakan itu takkan terdulang

Biar cahaya terang
menyinari ruang mimpi
mimpi ...

Reff :
Tersenyumlah dalam langkah
bulatkan hati demi mimpi
jangan pernah rasa lelah
dikejar mimpi yang kita nanti
tetaplah berdiri

Tahan lelah
berdiam gerah
menghadapi makna kehidupan
rana indah jauh disana
seakan itu takkan terdulang

Back to : (*) , Reff 2x
Sang pemimpi tetaplah berdiri
Roda-roda terus berputar
Tanda masih ada hidup
Karna dunia belum henti
Berputar melingkar searah

Terik embun sejuta sentuhan
Pahit mengajuk pelengkap
Seribu satu perasaan
Bergabung setangkup senada

Jurang curam berkeliaran
Tanda bahaya sana sini
Padang rumput lembut hijau
Itupun tiada tertampak

Back to [*][**]

Back to [***] 2x

Sudah lahir sudah terlanjur
Mengapa harus menyesal
Hadapi dunia berani

Bukalah dadamu
Tantanglah dunia
Tanyakan salahmu wibawa

Bukalah dadamu
Tantanglah dunia
Tanyakan salahmu wibawa

Ungu_ Cinta Gila
tahukah kau apa yang kau lakukan itu
tahukah kau siksa diriku
bertahun ku nantikan jawaban dirimu
bertahun-tahun ku menunggu
*courtesy of
kau sangka aku akan menyerah
kau sangka aku akan pasrah
dirimu tak pedulikan aku
walau cinta hanya untukmu
walau kasih hanya untukmu
walau sayang hanya untukmu
untukmu, untukmu, untukmu
kau mimpi-mimpiku
cinta gilaku hanya padamu
hanya kau belahan jiwa
cinta membara tiada tara
oh tahukah kau apa yang kau lakukan itu
tahukah kau siksa diriku
bertahun ku nantikan jawaban dirimu
bertahun-tahun ku menunggu
kau sangka aku akan menyerah
kau sangka aku akan pasrah
dirimu tak pedulikan aku
walau cinta hanya untukmu
walau kasih hanya untukmu
walau sayang hanya untukmu
untukmu, untukmu, untukmu
repeat reff
untukmu, untukmu, untukmu
repeat reff
tahukah kau apa yang kau lakukan itu
tahukah kau siksa diriku
bertahun ku nantikan jawaban dirimu
bertahun-tahun ku menunggu
untukmu, untukmu, untukmu

Ipank_ Teruslah bermimpi
Apa yang kau takutkan
Dengan semua ini
Bukankah kesedihan
Sering kita alami
Keadaan ini
Buat kita terbiasa

Dengarkan ku bicara
Teruslah bermimpi
Walau kenyataannya jauh berbeda
Teruslah bermimpi
Jangan berhenti

Lelah ini hanya sebentar saja
Jangan menyerah
Walaupun tak mudah meraihnya

Menghentikan pikiran dengan mata terpejam
Menunggu malam bisa hapus kenyataan
Biar saja mimpi jauh membawa kita

Back to [*]

Tetap tersenyumlah
Biar semakin mudah
Karena kesedihan pun
Ternyata hanya sementara


Twist in My Story
Slow down, the world isn't watching us break down
It's safe to say we are alone now, we're alone now
Not a whisper, the only noise is the receiver
I'm counting the seconds until you break the silence
So please just break the silence

The whispers turn to shouting
The shouting turns to tears
Your tears turn into laughter
And it takes away our fears

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you

And I'm longing, for words to describe how I'm feeling
I'm feeling inspired
My world just flip turned upside down
It turns around, say what's that sound
It's my heart beat, it's getting much louder
My heart beat, is stronger than ever
I'm feeling so alive, I'm feeling so alive

My whispers turn to shouting
The shouting turns to tears
Your tears turn into laughter
And it takes away our fears

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you

I'm finally waking up, a twist in my story
It's time I open up, and let your love right through me
I'm finally waking up, a twist in my story
It's time I open up, and let your love right through me
That's what you get
When you see your life in someone else's eyes
That's what you get, that's what you get

So you see, this world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you
This world doesn't matter to me
I'll give up all I had just to breathe
The same air as you till the day that I die
I can't take my eyes off of you
Fall For You
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you i'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
'Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
The buttons on my phone are worn thin
I don't think that I knew the chaos I was getting in.
But I've broken all my promises to you
I've broken all my promises to you.

Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?

A phrasing that's a single tear,
Is harder than I ever feared
And you were left feeling so alone.
Because these days aren't easy
Like they have been once before
These days aren't easy anymore.

Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me.

I should have known this wasn't real
And fought it off and fought to feel
What matters most? Everything
That you feel while listening to every word that I sing.
I promise you I will bring you home
I will bring you home.

Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?

Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me.
Turn Around
Turn Around and fix your eye in my direction
So there is a connection
I can't speak
I can't make a sound to somehow capture your attention
I'm staring at perfection
Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

I'm confident
But I can't pretend I wasn't terrified to meet you
I knew you could see right through me
I saw my life flash right before my very eyes
And I knew just what we'd turn into
I was hopeing that you could see
Take a look at me so you can see

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are

Your beauty seems so far away
I'd have to write a thousand songs to make you comprehend how beautiful you are

I know that I can't make you stay
But I would give my final breathe to make you understand how beautiful you are
Understand how beautiful you are

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
You are an angel
Making all my dreams come true tonight

You call me a stranger
You say I'm a danger
You call me a stranger
Good Bye
It's a shame that it had to be this way
It's not enough to say I'm sorry
It's not enough to say I'm sorry

Maybe I'm to blame
Or maybe were the same
But either way I can't breathe
Either way I can't breathe

All I had to say is goodbye
Were better off this way
Were better off this way

I'm alive but I'm losing all my drive
Cause everything were been through
And everything about you
Seemed to be a lie
A guiltless twisted lie
It made me learn to hate you
Or hate myself for letting it pass by

All I had to say is goodbye
Were better off this way
Were better off this way
All I had to say is goodbye
Were better off this way
Were better off this way

And every, everything isn't only
What it seemed so hold these
Words that you never told me
Its time to say goodbye
Its time to say goodbye
Its time to say goodbye


Take my hand away
Spell it out
Tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong

Take my hand away
Spell it out
Tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong

Take my hand away
Spell it out
Tell me I was wrong
Tell me I was wrong

With every appearance by you, blinding my eyes,
I can hardly remember the last time I felt like I do.
You're an angel disguised.

And you're lying real still,
but your heart beat is fast just like mine.
And the movie's long over,
that's three that have passed, one more's fine.

Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.

I'm trying real hard not to shake. I'm biting my tongue,
but I'm feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,
I feel like I've won. You're my key to survival.

And if it's a hero you want,
I can save you. Just stay here.
Your whispers are priceless.
Your breathe, it is dear. So please stay near.

Will you stay awake for me?
I don't wanna miss anything
I don't wanna miss anything
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything.

Say my name. I just want to hear you.
Say my name. So I know it's true.
You're changing me. You're changing me.
You showed me how to live.
So just say. So just say,

That you'll stay awake for me.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I don't wanna miss anything.
I will share the air I breathe,
I'll give you my heart on a string,
I just don't wanna miss anything
Your Call
Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
call I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
when you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?
(What's your, what's your...)

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

Do you know what's worth fighting for
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins...

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky
You and I

There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while

You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand

You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go

We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go


I've practiced this for hours, gone round and round
And now I think that I've got it all down
And as I say it louder, I love how it sounds
Cause I'm not taking the easy way out
Not wrappin' this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

It came out like a river once I let it out
When I thought that I wouldn't know how
Held onto it forever, just pushing it down
Felt so good to let go of it now
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
There's nothing here in this heart left to borrow
There's nothing here in this soul left to say

Don't be surprised when we hate this tomorrow
God knows we tried to find an easier way
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
That's why this comes as no,
As no surprise

If I could see the future and how this plays out
I bet it's better than where we are now
But after going through this
It's easier to see the reason why

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
(stayed till today)
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

Well, it's midnight, damn right, we're wound up too tight
I've got a fist full of whiskey, the bottle just bit me
Oh, that shit makes me bat shit crazy
We've got no fear, no doubt, all in balls out

We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything that we want, drink everything in sight
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight

We're screaming like demons, swinging from the ceiling
I got a fist full of fifties, tequila just hit me
Oh, we got no class, no taste, no shirt, and shit faced
We got it lined up, shot down, firing back straight crown

We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything that we want, drink everything in sight
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight

Ticking like a time bomb, drinking till the night's gone
Well, get you hands off of this glass, last call my ass
Well, no chain, no lock, and this train won't stop
We got no friend, no doubt, all in balls out

We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything that we want, drink everything in sight
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight

We're going off tonight to kick out every light
Take anything that we want, drink everything in sight
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight

I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me
I remembered each flash as time began to blur
Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve

So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide

There was nothing in sight but memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in between where we were standing
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve

So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes across this new divide

In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny
And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide
And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve

So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide
Across this new divide, across this new divide

Trouble he will find you no matter where you go, oh oh
No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm or the cry in the mourn, oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control

He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
So don't forget as you ease on down the road

He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!

Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave, I try
Oh oh, I try!

He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!
Ooo, oh ooo, ooo ahh


Hey, hey, hey, hey

Top down in the summer sun
The day we met was like a hit and run
And I still taste it on my tongue
(Taste it on my tongue)

The sky was burning up like fireworks
You made me want you, oh, so bad it hurt
But girl, in case you haven't heard

I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover
I love you forever, forever is over
We used to kiss all night, now it's just a bar fight
So don't call me crying, say hello then goodbye
(Oh yeah!)

There's just one thing would make me say
(Oh yeah!)
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover
I love you forever, but now it's over
(Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)

Hot sweat and blurry eyes
We're spinning on a roller coaster ride
The world stuck in black and white
(Stuck in black and white)

You drove me crazy every time we touched
Now I'm so broken that I can't get up
Oh girl, you make me such a lush

I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover
I love you forever, forever is over
We used to kiss all night, now it's just a bar fight
So don't call me crying, say hello then goodbye
(Oh yeah!)

There's just one thing would make me say
(Oh yeah!)
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover
I love you forever, but now it's over

All the time I wasted on you
All the bullshit you put me through
I'm checking into rehab 'cause everything that we had
Didn't mean a thing to you

I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover
I love you forever, but now I'm sober

I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover
I love you forever, forever is over
We used to kiss all night, now it's just a bar fight
So don't call me crying, say hello then goodbye
(Oh yeah!)

There's just one thing would make me say
(Oh yeah!)
I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover
I love you forever, but now it's over


Sunlight warms my face only in dreams of you
I know you'll wait for me... it's been too long
Beautiful eyes. beautiful lies to dull the pain
Beautiful eyes, beautiful lies... you're killing me
I would wait for years just to feel you again
I will die without you... would you my love?
Beautiful eyes, beautiful lies pour from your mouth as
You scream his name... you're killing me

Cries escape your sweet voice as I kiss you one last time
... One last time...
Do you remember me and our beautiful affair?
Look in my eyes and honestly tell me our love is gone!
Why have you turned your back on me?
One day you'll wake up and realize your mistake

Ice runs through my veins as I stand face to face with
The one who stole it all
Compassion is not an option

Cries escape your sweet voice as I kiss you one last time
... One last time...
Do you remember me and our beautiful affair?
Look in my eyes and honestly tell me our love is gone!
Why have you turned your back on me?
One day you'll wake up
Realize your mistake!

In love we're one, inseparable, pathetic lust, thus we crumble
I saw your eyes, I wiped your tears, I waited for you...

Who do you see with your eyes shut tight?
Regret will be your bride

Do you remember me and our beautiful affair?
Look in my eyes and honestly tell me our love is gone!
Why have you turned your back on me?
One day you'll wake and realize your mistake
Cries escape your sweet voice as I paint my own goodbye

Sejak Pertama kujumpa Kamu
Tahukah Kamu Kusuka Kamu
Namun bukan berartui Ku tak tahu
Bahwa Kau juga suka padaku
*courtesy of
Cintamu itu tlah membutakan mata hatiku
Kini Ku tak sanggup bila hidup tanpamu
Kau buatku jadi gila
Saat kau juga bilang cinta padaku
Tak kuasa kumenahan rasa bahagia
Saat kau ucapkan cinta

Pesonamu bagai bulan purnama
Cinta pada pandangan pertama
Aku tak sanggup
Menahan gejolak cinta didalam diriku
Dan takkan ada yang
Sanggup memisahkan kita
Karna kan kujaga cinta kita berdua
Kau buatku jadi gila
Saat kau juga bilang cinta padaku
Tak kuasa kumenahan rasa bahagia
Saat kau ucapkan cinta
Kau buatku jadi gila
Saat kau juga bilang cinta padaku
Tak kuasa kumenahan rasa bahagia
Saat kau ucapkan cinta

Baby Girl you’re so beautiful
From you’re head to your toe
I just gotta let you know that
You’re the 1 and 2, 3, 4 kiss
That I wanna have You
You want more
Okay Me too
As long as You happy girl I’m with You
Till the rest of my life
Now please say yes
When I Asked You to be my wife

Nexus 4 lyrics
Ate naku tadayou traffic jam
Machi wa muchitsujo sosogu ame wa acid rain
Asu he no kuuseki mo naku
Mayoeru bokura wa yumemiteru electric ship
Iku kuru ka shire nai akogare no toki
Kusuburu kanjou wa, tada damatte matterare nai.

Miageta nara yozora o kiri saite
Kake noboru jet bokura o michibiku
Sabi tsuita hane wa mada kuchi hatecha inai
Yatsu yori atsui hoeageru tamashii
Saa mezamero next age

Mussu ni zoushoku suru trap
Hitotsu misureba warai toba sare delete
Mirai wa kasouteki kuukan e
Kekkyoku tashika na mono wa kono omoi dake sa.
Nagameru bakari no moe iku honoo
Bou ni furu chansu o tada damatte matterrre nai.

Miageta nara yozora o kiri saite
Kake noboru jet bokura o michibiku
Shinjiru mama hashire kitto mada maniau
Hane agaru speed kesshite nogasa nai
Saa tobi nore next age.

Tsukaisuterare tatte mikaeshite yaru sa
Zero kara no jiyuu wo torikonda saikyou no monster

Maki agatta gouon ni mamirete byouyomi no start
Kodou ni awasete say three two one go
Kimi ga miageta nara takaku kake noboru jet
Bokura ga tabidatsu
Saa tobinore space age
You viritual generation

I want to shine on you
And always light the dazzling sun
I will defend you from all the darkness
This is the truth from my heart

kokoro no oku tsunagetara shinjite moraeru no ni
shikata nai sa mezameru made boku wa kiete mo ii yo
ima mienakute mo nakusanaideite
sono yasashisa wa muda ja nai

kaze ni notte ukabi koko ja nai doko ka e
umi wo koe toki wo koe kitto saku darou

sabishikute mo miwatashita tokoro de shinjitsu wa nai yo
sore wa sotto kimi no mune no uchigawa de
hisoka ni kizukiyuku mono

dakara kono omoi wa dare ni mo makenai
mahou no you iroasenai yuiitsu no kagayaki
sono kisetsu ga kimi ni otozureru
tokoro made tsukiau yo saa, daichi wo kerou

kaze ni notte ukabi koko ja nai doko ka e
umi wo koe toki wo koe kitto saku darou
itsu no hi ni mo itsu mo sonna kimi wo
taiyou no you ni zutto mimoretara ii na

I want to shine on you
And always light the dazzling sun
I will defend you from all the darkness
This is the truth from my heart

Vamp love addict
Hey! Keep on rolling
Baby I want to explode
Oh yes, need you darling
With the growling exhaust note

I'm Love Addict
Come light my fire
A love addict
I'm already a love addict

Yeah just free your mind
Yeah let's get it on now
Yeah just free your mind
Yeah let's get it on now

Mom, I'm sorry
Am I playing some bad games
We starve like cherries
Baby I want to explode

I'm Love Addict
Come light my fire
A love addict
I'm already a love addict

Yeah just free your mind
Yeah let's get it on now
Yeah just free your mind
Yeah let's get it on now

Ride on time let go(x4)

I'm already a love addict
A love addict
I'm already a love addict
Come light my fire
I'm already a love addict
A love addict
I'm already a love addict

Come light my fire

Yeah just free your mind
Yeah let's get it on now
Yeah just free your mind
Yeah let's get it on now

Ride on time let go
Ride on time let go
Ride on time let go
Ride on time let go

The Script
Breakeven lyrics

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayin' to a god that I don't believe in
Cos I got time while she got freedom
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even

Her best days will be some of my worst
She finally met a man that's gonna put her first
While I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven... even... no

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you,
And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up that you're ok
I'm falling to pieces, yeah,
I'm falling to pieces

They say bad things happen for a reason
But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding
Cos she's moved on while I'm still grieving
And when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven even... no

What am I gonna to do when the best part of me was always you,
And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up that you're ok
I'm falling to pieces, yeah,
I'm falling to pieces, yeah,
I'm falling to pieces
(One still in love while the other ones leaving)
I'm falling to pieces
(Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven)

Oh you got his heart and my heart and none of the pain
You took your suitcase, I took the blame.
Now I'm try'na make sense of what little remains ooh
Cos you left me with no love and no love to my name.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayin' to a god that I don't believe in
Cos I got time while she got freedom
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break
No it don't break
No it don't break even no

What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you and
What am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up that you're ok
(Oh glad your okay now)
I'm falling to pieces yeah
(Oh I'm glad your okay)
I'm falling to pieces yeah
(One still in love while the other ones leaving)
I'm falling to pieces
(Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven)

Oh it don't break even no
Oh it don't break even no
Oh it don't break even no

Two Is Better Than One
boys likes girl ft taylor swift 

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you thought that it got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
Yeah, yeah

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you thought that it got me coming undone

And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one

FIREFLIES owl city
You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
Cause they fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude, but I
Would just stand and stare.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.

Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightening bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance.
A foxtrot above my head,
A sock-hop beneath my bed,
The disco ball is just hanging by a thread.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.
(When I fall asleep.)

Leave my door open just a crack.
(Please take me away from here.)
Cause I feel like such an insomniac.
(Please take me away from here.)
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
(Please take me away from here.)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep
To ten million fireflies.
I'm weird, cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell.
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Cause I saved a few,
And I keep them in a jar.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.
(When I fall asleep.)

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

Possibility LYKKE LI 
Thereâ s a possibility
Thereâ s a possibility
All that I had was all I gonâ get
Thereâ s a possibility
Thereâ s a possibility
All I gon get is gone with your step

So tell me when you hear my heart stop,
Youâ re the only who knows
Tell me when you hear my silence
Thereâ s a possibility
I wouldnâ t know

Know that when you leave
Know that when you leave
By blood and by mean
You walk like a thieve
By blood and by mean
I fall when you leave
[Lykke Li - Possibility
Lyrics on]

So tell me when you hear my heart stop,
Youâ re the only who knows
Tell me when you hear my silence
Thereâ s a possibility
I wouldnâ t know

Tell me when my sigh is over
Youâ re the reason why Iâ m close
Tell me if you hear me falling
There's a possib ility
It wouldnâ t show

By blood and by mean
I fall when you leave

By blood and by mean
I follow your lead

 LoveGame :
Let’s have some fun this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Let’s have some fun this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Huh, Huh
I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you babe
It's complicated and stupid
Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid
Guess he wants to play
Wants to play
Hold me and love me
Just wanna touch you for a minute
Maybe three seconds is enough for my hear to quit it
Let’s have some fun this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much just bust that kick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Let's play a LOVEGAME
Do you want love?
Or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans, the LOVEGAME
Let's play a LOVEGAME
Do you want love?
Or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans, the LOVEGAME
I'm on a mission

And it involves some heavy touching, yeah
You've indicated your interest
I'm educated in sex, yes
And now I want it bad
Want it bad
Hold me and love me
Just wanna touch you for a minute
Maybe three seconds is enough for my hear to quit it
Huh, uh
I can see you staring there from across the block
With a smile on your mouth and your hand on your, Huh!
The story of us, it always start's the same
With a boy and a girl and a huh! and a game
And a game
And a game
And a game

 Bad Romance :
Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it's free
I want your love
I want your love

I want your drama
The touch of your healing
I want you leather-studed kiss in the sand
And I want your love
You know that I want you
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Bad and bad

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your horror
I want your design
‘Cause you're a criminal
As long as you're mine
I want your love
I want your love

I want your psycho
Your vertigo stick
Want you in my rear window
when your baby is sick

I want your love
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Bad and bad

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

Walk-walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that bitch crazy
Walk-walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that bitch crazy
Walk-walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that bitch crazy
Walk-walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that bitch crazy

I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don't wanna be friends

J'veux ton amour
Et je veux ton revenge
J'veux ton amour
I don’t wanna be friends

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Poker Face :
I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas Plays.
Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it).
Luck and intuition play the cards with Spades to start.
And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh.
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh.
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got.

Can't read my.
Can't read my.
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody).
Can't read my.
Can't read my.
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody).

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face.
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face.

I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be.
A little gambling is fun when you're with me (I love it).
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun.
And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh.
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh.
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got.

Can't read my.
Can't read my.
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody).
Can't read my.
Can't read my.
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody).

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face.
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face.

I won't tell you that I love you.
Kiss or hug you.
Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin.
I'm not lying I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunning.
Just like a chick in the casino.
Take your bank before I pay you out.
I promise this, promise this.
Check this hand cause I'm marvelous.

Can't read my.
Can't read my.
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody).
Can't read my.
Can't read my.
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)(3x).

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face.
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(3x)

Just Dance :
(feat. Colby O'Donis)

Or Red One
Convict (Gaga)
Oh oh, yeah

I’ve had a little bit too much
All of the people star to rush (start to rush by)
A dizzy twister dance
Can’t find my drink or man
Where are my keys?
I lost my phone

What’s goin’ on, on the floor?
I love this record baby but I can’t see straight anymore keep it cool
What’s the name of this club?
I can’t remember but it’s alright, a-alright

Gonna be ok
Da da doo doot-n
Spin that record babe
Da da doo doot-n
Gonna be ok
D-d-d dance, dance, dance, just

Wish I could shut my playboy mouth
How’d I turn my shirt inside out (inside out right)
Control your poison babe
Roses have thorns they say
And we’re all gettin’ hosed tonight!

What’s goin’ on, on the floor?
I love this record baby but I can’t see straight anymore keep it cool
What’s the name of this club?
I can’t remember but it’s alright, a-alright

Gonna be ok
Da da doo doot-n
Spin that record babe
Da da doo doot-n
Gonna be ok
D-d-d dance, dance, dance, just

When I come through on the dance floor checkin’ out that catalogue
Can’t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw
And I ain’t gonna give it up, steady trying to pick it up like a call
I’m a hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorrow yeah

Shorty I can see that you got so much energy\\
The way you twirlin’ up them hips round and round
And there is no reason at all why you can’t leave here with me
In the meantime stay let me watch you break it down and

Gonna be ok
Dad a doo doot-n
Spin that record babe
Dad a doo doot-n
Gonna be ok
D-d-d dance, dance, dance, just

Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint it’s symphonic
Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronic
Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint it’s symphonic
Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronic

Go use your muscle car-ve it out work it, hustle! (I got it just stay close enough to go it on)
Don’t slow! Drive it, clean it Lysol, bleed it
Spend the last dough (I’ve got it) in your pocko (I’ve got it)

Gonna be ok
Da da doo doot-n
Spin that record babe
Da da doo doot-n
Gonna be ok
D-d-d dance, dance, dance, just

 Paparazzi :
We are the crowd,
we're c-coming out,
got my flash on it’s true need that picture of you it’s so magical.
we'd be so fantastical,
leather and jeans garage glamorous, not sure what it means,
but this photo of us it don’t have a price,
ready for those flashing lights, ‘Cause you know that baby I

I’m your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi,
baby there's no other superstar that know that I'll be papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi

I'll be your girl, backstage at your show,
velvet ropes and guitars,
Yeah cause you’re my rock star in between the sets,
eyeliner and cigarettes,
shadow is burnt, yellow dance and we turn, my lashes are dry,
purple teardrops I cry, it don’t have a price,
loving you is cherry pie, ‘Cause you know that baby I

I’m your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi,
baby there's no other superstar you know that I'll be papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi

real good, we dance in the studio
snap snap, to the shit on the radio
don't stop, for anyone

I’m your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi,
baby there's no other superstar you know that I'll be papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi

Haven't Met You Yet lyrics

I'm not surprised, 
Not everything lasts,
I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track.
Talk myself in,
I talk myself out,
I get all worked up,
Then I let myself down,

I tried so very hard not to loose it;
I came up with a million excuses,
I thought I thought of every possibility,

And I know some day that it’ll all turn out,
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out,
And I promise you kid that I give so much more than I get~ mmm.......
I just haven't met you yet.

Mmmmm ....

I might have to wait,
I’ll never give up,
I guess it's half timin', and the other half's luck,
Wherever you are,
Whenever it's right,
You'll come outta nowhere and into my life.

And I know that we can be so amazin',
And baby your love is gonna change me,
And now I can see every possibility, mmmmmm....

Somehow I know that it’ll all turn out,
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out,
And promise you kid, I'll give so much more than I get, mmmm....
I just haven't met you yet.

They say all’s fair
in love and war
But I won’t need to fight it,
we'll get it right an',
we'll be united


and I know that we can be so amazin',
And bein' in your life is gonna change me,
And now I can see every single possibility, mmmmmm

And someday I know it'll all turn out,
And I'll work to work it out,
Promise you kid I’ll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get.

Oh, you know it'll all turn out,
and you'll make me work so we can work to work it out,
And promise you kid to give so much more than I get, yeah
I just haven't met you yet.

I just haven't met you yet,
Oh, promise you kid,
To give so much more than I get.

I said love love love love love love love..... 
I just haven't met you yet
Love love love .....
So doy day ay ay ay, ay ay yeah
I just haven't met you yet!

If you only knew
I'm hanging by a thread
The web I spin for you
If you only knew
I'd sacrifice my beating
Heart before I lose you
I still hold onto the letters
You returned
I swear I've lived and learned

It's 4:03 and I can't sleep
Without you next to me I
Toss and turn like the sea
If I drown tonight, bring me
Back to life
Breathe your breath in me
The only thing that I still believe
In is you, if you only knew

If you only knew
How many times I counted
All the words that wen't wrong
If you only knew
How I refuse to let you go, 
Even when you're gone
I don't regret any days I
Spent, nights we shared, 
Or letters that I sent

It's 4:03 and I can't sleep
Without you next to me I
Toss and turn like the sea
If I drown tonight, bring me
Back to life
Breathe your breath in me
The only thing that I still believe
In is you, if you only knew

If you only knew
I still hold onto the letters
You returned
You help me live and learn

It's 4:03 and I can't sleep
Without you next to me I
Toss and turn like the sea
If I drown tonight, bring me
Back to life
Breathe your breath in me
The only thing that I still believe
In is you, believe in is you
I still believe in you
Oh, if you only knew
A Little Bit Longer
Got the news today
But they said I had to stay
A little bit longer and I'd be fine
When I thought it'd all be done
When I thought it'd all been said
A little bit longer and I'll be fine

But you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
And you don't know what it's like to feel so low
And everytime you smile, you laugh, you glow
You don't even know, know, know
You don't even know

All this time goes by
Still no reason why
A little bit longer and I'll be fine
Waitng on a cure
But none of them are sure
A little bit longer and I'll be fine

But you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
And you don't know what it's like to feel so low
And every time you smile, you laugh, you glow
You don't even know, know, know
You don't even know, know, know
You don't even know, know

2, 3, 4

But you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
And you don't know what it's like to feel so low, yeah
And every time you smile, you laugh, you glow
You don't even know, Know! Yeah! Whoa!

So I'll wait 'til kingdom come
All the highs and lows are gone
A little bit longer and I'll be fine
I'll be fine
Burnin’ Up
I'm hot, you're cold
You go around like you know
Who I am, but you don't
You've got me on my toes

I'm slippin' into the lava
And I'm tryin' to keep from goin' under
Baby you turn the temperature hotter
Cause I'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby

C'mon girl

I fell (I fell)
So fast (So fast)
Can't hold myself back
High heels (High heels)
Red dress (Red dress)
All by yourself
Gotta catch my breath

I'm slippin' into the lava
And I'm tryin' to keep from goin' under
Baby you turn the temperature hotter
Cause I'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby

Walk in the room
All I can see is you (Oh)
Starin' me down
I know you feel it too

I'm slippin' into the lava
And I'm tryin' to keep from goin' under
Baby you turn the temperature hotter
Cause I'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby
Slippin' into the lava
And I'm tryin' to keep from goin' under
Baby you turn the temperature hotter
Cause I'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby

Yo, burnin' up in the place tonight
You brothers sing it loud (And we're feelin' right)
Get up and dance (Don't try to fight it)
Big Rob is for real (And that's no lie)
Stop, drop, and roll (And touch the floor, it keeps on burnin' up)
More and more
I got JB with me (Layin' it down)
Come on boys let's bring the chorus around

I'm slippin' into the lava (Burnin' up, burnin' up)
And I'm tryin' to keep from goin' under (Yeah)
Baby you turn the temperature hotter (Just c'mon)
Cause I'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby
Burnin' up (Yes sir)
Burnin' up for you baby
Gotta Find You
Every time I think I'm closer to the heart
What it means to know just who I am
I think I finally found a better place to start
No one ever seems to understand
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that im singing
I need to find you
Gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
Oh yeah

You're the remedy im searching hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you it will be alright
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that im singing
I need to find you
Gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
Gotta find you

Been feeling lost
Can't find the words to say
Spending all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I wanna be
Next to you, you next to me
I need to find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that im singing
I need to find you (need to find you)
Gotta find you (yeah)
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
Gotta find you (I gotta find you)

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that im singing
I need to find you (need to find you)
Gotta find you (gotta find you)
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
Gotta find you
Gotta find you
Keep It Real
Living life
Life in the fast line
Not that bad
No we can't complain
Whose to say
We wont keep it real
Hold on Tight
Don't you dare let go
Nows the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
Told you I made dinner plans
You and me and no one else
It don't include your crazy friends
Well I'm done
With awkward situation's empty

Oohh This is an S.O.S.
Don't wanna second guess
This is the bottom line
It's true
I gave my all for you
Now my heart's in two
And I can't find the other half
It's like I'm walking on broken glass
Better believe I bled
It's a call I'll never get

So this is where the story ends
A conversation on IM
Well I'm done
That's it
Sorry for the miscommunication

Oohh This is an S.O.S.
Don't wanna second guess
This is the bottom line
It's true
I gave my all for you
Now my heart's in two
And I can't find the other half
It's like I'm walking on broken glass
Better believe I bled
It's a call I'll never get

Next time I see you
I'm giving you a high five
Cause scars are overrated just FYI

Oohh This is an S.O.S.
Don't wanna second guess
This is the bottom line
It's true
I gave my all for you
now my heart's in two
Oohh This is an S.O.S.

Don't wanna second guess
This is the bottom line
It's you
I gave my all for you
now my heart's in two
And I can't find the other half
It's like I'm walking on broken glass
better believe I bled
It's a call I'll never get
Play My Music
Listen on that radio
As loud as it can go
Wanna dance until my feet can't feel the ground
Say goodbye to all my fears
One good song, they disappear
And nothin' in the world can bring me down

Hand clappin'
Hip shakin'
Heart breakin'
There's no fakin'
What you feel
When you're riding home, yeah

Music's in my soul
I can hear it
Everyday and every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no, no
I just wanna play my music
(woo! )

Got my six string on my back
Don't need anything but that
Everythin' I want is here with me
So forget that fancy car
I don't need to go that far
What's driving me is following my dreams, yeah

Hand clappin'
Earth shakin'
Heart breakin'
There's no fakin'
What you feel
When you're on a roll, yeah

Music's in my soul
I can hear it
Everyday and every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no, no
I just wanna play my music
I just wanna play my music

Can't imagine what it'd be like
Without the sound of all my heroes
Singin' all my favorite songs
So I can sing along

Music's in my soul
I can hear it
Everyday and every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no, no
I just wanna play my music

Music's in my soul
I can hear it
Everyday and every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no, no
I just wanna play my music
All night long
I make the most of all the stress
I try to live without regrets
But I'm about to break a sweat
I'm freakin' out

It's like a poison in my brain
It's like a fog that blurs the scene
It's like a vine you can't untangle
I'm freakin' out

Everytime I turn around
Something don't feel right
I might be paranoid
I'm avoiding the lines cause they just might split
Can someone stop the noise?
I don't know what it is,
But it just don't fit
I'm paranoid


I take the necessary steps
To get some air into my chest
I'm taking all the doctors meds
I'm still freaking out

That's why my ex is still my ex
I never trust a word she says
I'm runnin' all the background checks
And she's freaking out

Everytime I turn around, something's just not right
Might be paranoid
I'm avoiding the lines cause they just might split
Can someone stop the noise?
I don't know what it is
But it just don't fit
Consider me destroyed
I don't know how to act cause I lost my head
I must be paranoid
I never thought it would come to this
I'm paranoid

Stuck in the room
We're staring faces
I'm caught in a nightmare
I can't wake up
If you hear my cry, running threw her streets
I'm about to freak
Come and rescue me

She might be paranoid
I'm avoiding the lines cause they just might split
Can someone stop the noise?
I don't know what it is
But it just don't fit
Consider me destroyed
I don't know how to act
'Cause I lost my head
I must be paranoid
I never thought it would come to this
I'm paranoid
Called you for the first time yesterday
Finally found the missing part of me
Felt so close but you were far away
Left me without anything to say

Now I'm speechless
Over the edge
I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this
Lovebug again

Head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get bit
By this lovebug again

I can't get your smile out of my mind
(I can't get you out of my mind)
Thinking about your eyes all the time
You're beautiful but you don't even try
(Don't even, don't even try)
Honesty is just so hard to find

Now I'm speechless
Over the edge
I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this
Lovebug again

Head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get bit
By this lovebug again

Kissed her for the first time yesterday
Finally found the missing part of me
Felt so close but you were far away
Left me without anything to say

Now I'm…

Now I'm speechless
Over the edge
I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this
Lovebug again

Head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get bit
By this lovebug again
Ohh... lovebug again
Pushin’ Me Away
Run, run like you do
I'm chasing you
I'm on your tail, I'm gaining fast
You're going nowhere
Try to fix what you've done
Turn back the sun
The night is calling and we're falling faster now

Pushing me away
Every last word, every single thing you say
Pushing me away
Try to stop me now, but it's already too late
Pushing me away
If you really don't care, then say it to my face
Pushing me away
You push, push, you're pushing me away

Stop, tell me the truth
'Cause I am so confused
Spinning 'round, these walls are falling down and I need you
More than you know
I'm not letting go
I'm getting close, so take my hand
And please just tell me why

Pushing me away
Every last word, every single thing you say
Pushing me away
Try to stop me now, but it's already too late
Pushing me away
If you really don't care, then say it to my face
Pushing me away
You push, push, you're pushing me away

Push, push, pushing me away
Ya push, push, pushing me away
Push, push, pushing me away
Ya push, push, pushing me away
Ya push, push, pushing me away
Ya push, push, pushing me away
ya push, push, pushing me away


Pushing me away
Every last word, every single thing you say
Pushing me away
Try to stop me now, but it's already too late
Pushing me away
If you really don't care, then say it to my face
Pushing me away
You push, push, you're pushing me away
Pushing me away
Cant Have You
Never thought,
You were gonna leave
Never thought
You would really go
I was blind
Baby now I see
Broke your heart
Now I know

That I was being such a fool
That I didn't deserve you

Don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I don't know if I'll get up
And I don't want to cause a scene
But I'm dying without your love
Baby, to hear your voice
Tell me you love me too
Cause I'd rather just be alone
If I know that I cant have you

Looking at the letter that you left
(The letter that you left,
will I'll ever get you back)
Wondering if I'll ever get you back
(Will I'll ever get you back,
will I'll ever get you back)
Dreaming about when I'll see you next
(When I'll see you next,
will I ever get you back)
Knowing that I never will forget
(Never will forget, I won't forget)

That I was being such a fool
That I still don't deserve you

Don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I don't know if I'll get up
And I don't want to cause a scene
But I'm dying without your love
Baby, to hear your voice
Tell me you love me too
Cause I'd rather just be alone
If I know that I cant have you

??? without you
Cause you know that the truth hurts so much more
Cause I lost everything I had… ???
To show you… ???
??? such a fool
??? without you

Don't wanna fall asleep
Don't know if I'll get up
Don't want to cause a scene
Dying without your love
Baby, to hear your voice
Tell me you love me too
Cause I'd rather just be alone
If I know that I cant have you

Don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I don't know if I'll get up
And I don't want to cause a scene
But I'm dying without your love
Baby, to hear your voice
Tell me you love me too
Cause I'd rather just be alone
If I know that I cant have you

When these pillars get pulled down,
It will be you who wears the crown,
And I'll owe everything to you

How much pain has cracked your soul?
How much love would make you whole?
You're my guiding lightning strike

I can't find the words to say,
But they're overdue,
I've traveled half the world to say,
I belong to you

Then she attacks me like a Leo,
When my heart is split like Rio,
But, I assure you my debts are real

I can't find the words to say,
When I'm confused,
I've traveled half the world to say,
You are my mu

(Ah! Re'ponds a` ma tendresse,
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse,
Re'ponds a` ma tendresse,
Re'ponds a` ma tendresse,
Ah! Verse-moi l'ivresse,
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse,
Re'ponds a` ma tendresse,
Re'ponds a` ma tendresse,
Ah! Verse-moi l'ivresse,
I belong,
I belong to you alone)

I can't find the words to say,
But they're overdue,
I've traveled half the world to say,
I belong to you 


The paranoia is in bloom,
The PR, the transmissions, will resume,
They'll try to push drugs to keep us all dumbed down,
And hope that we will never see the truth around,

Another promise, another scene,Another package not to keep us trapped in greed,
With all the green belts wrapped around our minds,
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined,

They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
And we will be victorious!


Interchanging mind-control,
Come, let the revolution take its toll,
If you could flick a switch and open your third eye,
You'd see that we should never be afraid to die,

Rise up and take the power back,
It's time that the fat cats had a heart attack,
You know that their time's coming to an end,
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend!

They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
we will be victorious!

They will not force us,
They will stop degrading us,
They will not control us,
we will be victorious!

(Synth begins to play)


I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
That you've created

You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

You will be the death of me
You will be the death of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out

I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted

Now that you know I'm trapped sense of elation
You'd never dream of
Breaking this fixation

You will squeeze the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

You will suck the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
That you've created

You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

You will be the death of me
You will be the death of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out

I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted

Now that you know I'm trapped sense of elation
You'd never dream of
Breaking this fixation

You will squeeze the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?

You will suck the life out of me

Bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?


it's bugging me, grating me
and twisting me around
yeah i'm endlessly caving in
and turning inside out

'cause i want it now
i want it now
give me your heart and you soul
and i'm breaking out 
i'm breaking out
last chance to lose control

it's holding me, morphing me
and forcing me to strive
to be endlessly cold within
and dreaming i'm alive

'cause i want it now
i want it now
give me your heart and your soul
and i'm breaking down 
i'm breaking out
last chance to lose control

and want you now
i want you now
i'll feel my heart implode
and i'm breaking out
escaping now
feeling my faith erode

feelin good
Birds flying high you know how I feel 
Sun in the sky you know how I feel 
Reeds driftin' on by you know how I feel 

It's a new dawn 
It's a new day 
It's a new life 
For me 
And I'm feeling good 

Fish in the sea you know how I feel 
River running free you know how I feel 
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel 

It's a new dawn 
It's a new day 
It's a new life 
For me 
And I'm feeling good 

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know 
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean 
Sleep in peace when the day is done 
And this old world is a new world 
And a bold world 
For meStars when you shine you know how I feel 
Scent of the pine you know how I feel 
Oh freedom is mine 
And I know how I feel 

It's a new dawn 
It's a new day 
It's a new life 
For me 
And I'm feeling good 

Knights of Cydonia
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh

(repeat, soprano)

Come ride with me,
Through the veins of history,
I'll show you how god,
Falls asleep on the job.

And how can we win,
When fools can be kings,
Don't waste your time,
Or time will waste you,

Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh

(repeat, soprano)

No one's gonna take me alive,
Time has come to make things right,
You and I must fight for our rights,
You and I must fight to survive,

No one's gonna take me alive,
Time has come to make things right,
You and I must fight for our rights,
You and I must fight to survive


No one's going to take me alive,
Time has come to make things right,
You and I must fight for our rights,
You and I must fight to survive.

(solo to outro) 

New born
link it to the world 
link it to yourself 
stretch it like a birth squeeze 
the love for what you hide 
for bitterness inside 
is growing like the new born 
when you've seen, seen too much 
too young, young 
soulless is everywhere 
hopeless time to roam 
the distance to your home 
fades away to nowhere 
how much are you worth? 
you can't come down to earth 
you're swelling up 
you're unstoppable 
cos you've seen 
seen too much 
and too young 
soulless is everywhere 
destroy the spineless 
show me it's real 
wasting our last chance 
to come away 
just break a silence 
cause i'm drifting away 
away from you 
yeah link it to the world 
link it to yourself 
stretch it like it's a birth squeeze 
and the love for what you hide 
and the bitterness inside 
is growing like the new born 
when you've seen, seen too much 
too young, young 
soulless is everywhere 
destroy the spineless 
show me it's real 
wasting our last chance 
to come away 
just break a silence 
cause i'm drifting away 
away from you 

plug in baby
I've exposed your lies, baby 
The underneaths no big surprise 
now its time, for changing 
to forget your love 

And my plug in baby 
Crucifies my enemies 
When I'm tired of giving 
And my plug in baby 
In unbroken virgin realities 
I'm tired of living 

Dont confuse 
Baby you'r gona loose 
Your own game 
Change me 
And replace the envying 
To forget your love 

And my plug in baby 
Crucifies my enemies 
When I'm tired of giving 
And my plug in baby 
In unbroken virgin realities 
I'm tired of giving 

And I've seen your loving 
And mine is gone 
And i've been in trouble 
Oohhh yeah 

You could be my unintended 
Choice to live my life extended 
You could be the one I'll always love 
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions 
You could be the one I'll always love 

I'll be there as soon as I can 
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before 

First there was the one who challenged 
All my dreams and all my balance 
She could never be as good as you 

You could be my unintended 
Choice to live my life extended 
You should be the one I'll always love 

I'll be there as soon as I can 
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before 

I'll be there as soon as I can 
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before 

Before you 


Is our secret safe tonight
And are we out of sight
Or will our world come tumbling down?
Will they find our hiding place
Is this our last embrace
Or will the walls start caving in?

(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole?
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control

(It could be wrong, could be wrong) It can never last
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right
(It could be wrong, could be...)

Love is our resistance
They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down
Hold me
Our lips must always be sealed

If we live a life in fear
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again

Kill your prayers for love and peace
You'll wake the thought police
We can't hide the truth inside

(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it should have been right
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) To let our hearts ignite
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Are we digging a hole?

(It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) It can never last
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) Must erase it fast
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) But it could have been right
(It could be wrong, could be...)

Love is our resistance
They'll keep us apart and they won't to stop breaking us down
Hold me
Our lips must always be sealed

The night has reached its end
We can't pretend
We must run
We must run
It's time to run
Take us away from here
Protect us from further harm

United States of Eurasia

You and me are the same
We don't know or care who's to blame
But we know that whoever holds the reigns
Nothing will change
Our cause has gone insane

And these wars they can't be won
And these wars they can't be won
And do you want them to go on and on and on?
Why split these states
When there can be only one

And must we do as we're told?
Must we do as we're told?

You and me fall in line
To be punished for unproven crimes
And we know that there's no one we can trust
Our ancient heroes
They are turning to dust

And these wars they can't be won
Does anyone know or care how they begun?
They just promise to go on and on and on
But soon we will see
There can be only one

United States
United States of
Eurasia! Sia! Sia! Sia!
Eurasia! Sia! Sia! Sia!
Eurasia! Sia! Sia! Sia!

I Belong to You

When these pillars get pulled down
It will be you who wears the crown
And I'll owe everything to you

Woooo, woooo

How much pain has cracked your soul?
How much love would make you whole?
You're my guiding lightning strike

I can't find the words to say
They're overdue
I've travelled half the world to say
I belong to you

Woooo, woooo

Then she attacks me like a Leo
When my heart is split like Rio
But I assure you my debts are real

I can't find the words to say
When I'm confused
I travelled half the world to say
You are my mu...

Oooo, woooo

Ahhh! Réponds, réponds à ma tendresse
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse
Réponds à ma tendresse
Réponds à ma tendresse
Ahhh! Verse-moi l'ivresse
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse
Réponds à ma tendresse
Réponds à ma tendresse
Ahhh! Verse-moi l'ivresse

I belong
I belong to you alone

Woooo, woooo

I can't find the words to say
They're overdue
Travelled half the world to say
I belong to you

Woooo, woooo

Undisclosed Desires

I know you've suffered
But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless
I won't let you be denied

I'll make you feel pure
Trust me
You can be sure

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

You trick your lovers
That you're wicked and divine
You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine

Please me
Show me how it's done
Tease me
You are the one

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

Please me
Show me how it's done
Trust me
You are the one

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

Supermassive Black Hole

Oh baby dont you know I suffer? 
Oh baby can you hear me moan? 
You caught me under false pretenses 
How long before you let me go? 

You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night 
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive 

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night 
And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive' 

I thought I was a fool for no-one 
Oh baby I'm a fool for you 
You're the queen of the superficial 
And how long before you tell the truth 

You set my soul alight 
You set my soul alight 

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night 
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive 

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night 
And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive' 

Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole 

Glaciers melting in the dead of night 
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive 

Glaciers melting in the dead of night 
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive 

(You set my soul alight) 
Glaciers melting in the dead of night 
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive 

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night 
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive 

Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole


Far away
This ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die

I will be chasing the starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms

My life
You electrify my life
Let's conspire to re-ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive

But I'll never let you go
If you promised not to fade away
Never fade away

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms

Far away
This ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die

And I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
I just wanted to hold


War is overdue
The time has come for you
To shoot your leaders down
Join forces underground

Lose control
Increasing pace
Warped and bewitched
Time to erase

Whatever they say
These people are torn
Wild and bereft
Assassin is born

Oppose and disagree
Destroy demonocracy


Whatever they say
These people are torn
Wild and bereft
Assassin is born

Sing For Absolution

lips are turning blue
a kiss that can't renew
I only dream of you
my beautiful

tiptoe to your room
a starlight in the gloom
I only dream of you
and you never knew

sing for absolution
I will be singing
And falling from your grace

there's nowhere left to hide
in no one to confide
the truth burns deep inside
and will never die

lips are turning blue
a kiss that can't renew
I only dream of you
my beautiful

sing for absolution
I will be singing
And falling from your grace

sing for absolution
I will be singing
And falling from your grace

our wrongs remain unrectified
and our souls won't be exhumed

Stockholm Syndrome

I won't stand in your way
Let your hatred grow
And she'll scream
And she'll shout
And she'll pray
And she had a name
Yeah she had a name

And I won't hold you back
Let your anger rise
And we'll fly
And we'll fall
And we'll burn
No one will recall
No one will recall

This is the last time I'll abandon you
And this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could

Look to the stars
Let hope grow in your eyes
And we'll love
And we'll hate
And we'll die
All to no avail
All to no avail

This is the last time I'll abandon you
And this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could

This is the last time I'll abandon you
And this is the last time I'll forget you
I wish I could
I wish I could


It's bugging me, grating me
And twisting me around
Yeah I'm endlessly caving in
And turning inside out

'cause I want it now
I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
And I'm breaking out
I'm breaking out
Last chance to lose control

It's holding me, morphing me
And forcing me to strive
To be endlessly cold within
And dreaming I'm alive

'cause I want it now
I want it now
Give me your heart and your soul
And I'm not breaking down
I'm breaking out
Last chance to lose control

And I want you now
I want you now
I'll feel my heart implode
And I'm breaking out
Escaping now
Feeling my faith erode


don't kid yourself
and don't fool yourself
this love's too good to last
and i'm too old to dream

don't grow up too fast
and don't embrace the past
this life's too good to last
and i'm too young to care

don't kid yourself
and don't fool yourself
this life could be the last
and we're too young to see

Muse Can't Take my Eyes off you

You're just too good to be true
I can't keep my eyes off you
You feel like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much

At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you makes me weak
There are no words left to speak

But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you

I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm the lonely nights

I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I found you, stay
And let me love you, baby
Let me love you

You're just too good to be true
I can't keep my eyes off you
You feel like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much

At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you

I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm the lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I found this day
Let me love you, baby
Let me love you



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